Graduate Student Advising

From the time of acceptance into the M.A. or Ph.D. Program in English until the time of degree completion, our graduate students receive regular advising from the Director and Assistant Director of Graduate Studies.  Our goal is to facilitate the academic success of students and to insure that they can, upon graduation, compete for and secure fulfilling professional careers.

General Schedule for Graduate Advising

Incoming M.A. and Ph.D. students in English meet with the Director of Graduate Studies during the summer before the fall that they begin their programs in order to decide upon their fall class schedules.

Then, during their first fall semester, new students attend a meeting at which the Director and Assistant Director of Graduate Studies review the requirements and recommended timelines for completing the M.A. or Ph.D. program. 

Throughout their graduate careers, students continue to meet with the Director or Assistant Director of Graduate Studies every fall and spring semester to discuss their class schedules, any questions they have about completing program requirements, and their submission of department and Graduate School paperwork.

Finally, early in the semester that students intend to graduate, they should contact the Director or Assistant Director of Graduate Studies to receive guidance on meeting all official deadlines for graduation and completing the final paperwork required by the Department of English and the Graduate School.

Graduate Advisors:

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Dr. Susan Marren, Director of Graduate Studies

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Dr. Leigh Sparks, Assistant Director of Graduate Studies