2024-25 Fellowship Recipients

Walton Family and Carolyn F. Walton Cole Fellowships in Fiction, Literary Translation, and Poetry ($17,000 each + 1 yr off teaching)

Cal Paule

Joaquín Gavilano

Claire Scott

Lily Peter Fellowships in Fiction, Poetry and Translation ($3,333 each)

David Cole Eichelberger

Sarah Barch

Bailey McKinney

James T. Whitehead Awards for Fiction & Poetry (~$1,000)
6 awards – 3 in poetry and 3 in fiction - $4,088 each

Laurie Marshall

Sarah Barch

Bailey McKinney

Connor Weirich

Erin Pinkham

Sarah Kate Stoltzfus

John & Shirley Holmes Award for Creative Nonfiction ($600)
One essay or creative non-fiction piece (no more than 25 pages total)

Erin Pinkham

Felix Christopher McKean Memorial Award for Poetry ($1,500)

Saul Paredes

Baucum Fulkerson Award for Fiction or Drama ($323)
Prachi Bhutada

Harrison/Whitehead Founders Fellowship ($5,904 each)
Connor Weirich
Sophie Trist

Nancy Miller Saunders Award ($2,000)
Jace Einfeldt

CD Wright / Academy of American Poets University & College Prize ($100 + one- year membership to Academy of American Poets; honorable mention receives certificate of recognition)
Sarah Barch

James E. & Ellen Wadley Roper Fellowship in Creative Writing ($4,500 each)

Abuchi Modilim
Allison Flory
Lizzie Fox