
The submission process for editing work involves two major steps: assignment of an editor to your case, followed by direct consultation with your assigned editor. All submissions are exchanged via email and editing in Microsoft Word, with communication regarding the editing process taking place via email as well. Upon initial contact, you will be asked to stipulate if you would like copyediting or comprehensive editing, and to mention in advance if you're hoping to take advantage of expedited editing (detailed below).

The Submission Process

Process Overview

The submission process timeline will go as follows:

  1. Initial request for editing service
  2. Referral to editor
  3. Agreement on scope of editing services
  4. Return of edited documents along with report from editor
  5. Billing
  6. Survey regarding experience (optional)

Submission Checklist

Listed below is all the information you'll need to be aware of when initiating the submission process.

Time Frame:
All submissions must be received at least one week in advance of any final submission dates. Earlier submissions are encouraged, especially in cases where authors would prefer extended comprehensive editing with multiple editorial passes.

Editing Type:
Do you want comprehensive or copyediting services? Comprehensive editing will result in stronger documents, but takes a bit more time and involvement from authors.

Editing Speed:
Do you want normal or expedited review? Expedited services use two editors, subject to availability and usually cost twice as much

Editing is billed at $25/per hour. Times vary by document and editor. A rough estimate is one to three hours for a 10 page document with comprehensive editing. The scope of editing will be worked out during initial talks with editor, during which time you'll get a better idea of the cost of services.

You will need to present a copy of the CFP/RFP or equivalent for your editor's reference. Additional information such as website of the organization you are soliciting funds from is recommended.

Initiating Editing Process

To start the editing process, please contact the group's director, Adam R. Pope ( All emails should include "Grant Editing Request" in the title. For additional details, please contact the director using the same address.